ASP.NET - Multi Threading Krunal Shah2017-10-24T04:53:00-07:00 A thread is defined as the execution path of a program. Each thread defines a unique flow of control. If your application involves complic...Read More
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Krunal Shah2017-10-23T05:21:00-07:00 Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a standard security protocol or technology that provide communication security over a computer network. Summ...Read More
Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) Krunal Shah2017-10-23T05:20:00-07:00 Object Oriented (OO) concepts can be applied in the phases of software development life cycle (analysis, design, and implementation). It i...Read More
HTML5 Local Storage and Session Storage Krunal Shah2017-10-23T05:19:00-07:00 In our web application we need to store data. We can do this in different ways and we can store our data on client side as well as server ...Read More
What is Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)? Krunal Shah2017-10-23T05:19:00-07:00 Cross-site scripting is a security violation that is normally found in the web applications. It is one of the most frequent application la...Read More