CSRF Tokens In AngularJS/jQuery With ASP.NET Core Krunal Shah2020-06-13T08:03:00-07:00 In a previous article we talked about using CSRF Tokens to protect against CSRF attacks. But their main usage was in using the Razor helpe...Read More
Using GZIP Compression in ASP.NET Core Krunal Shah2020-06-13T05:37:00-07:00 GZIP is a generic compression method that can be applied to any stream of bits. In terms of how it’s used on the web, it’s easiest thought...Read More
Serving Static Files Outside wwwroot In ASP.NET Core Krunal Shah2020-06-13T05:34:00-07:00 In 99% of cases, static files you want served for your website will be able to live in the wwwroot folder. But in that rare 1% use case th...Read More
Reading Excel Files In .NET Core Krunal Shah2020-06-13T05:33:00-07:00 Opening Excel files in code has been a painful experience long before .NET Core came along. In many cases, you actually needed the Excel a...Read More